965 73 13 74 - Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 3, 03729 Senija, Alicante administracio@senija.es

Greetings from the Mayor

Pepa Argudo Ferrer, Mayor of Senija, I want to welcome all of you who wish to get to know our town and visit it through this portal.

If you let yourselves be guided, you will discover in Senija a town characterized by the friendly, peaceful nature, and the warm smiles of its residents who open their doors to visitors, offering its rich landscape, history, and cuisine.

In Senija, we offer various experiences that blend traditions rooted in our history with aspects of modernity.

As you stroll through its streets, you can enjoy the facades of the village houses, with their balconies, ancient doors, Santa Caterina Church, the chapel square, the Garganta cave, and La Creueta, where you can embark on a nature excursion.

Its geographical location, along with its unique mild climate, diverse landscape of terraced fields and mountains, and its culinary richness rooted in local products, such as its famous sausages, “pelotas de Putxero,” rice with “Fessols,” and “Mullador” pastries, combine to produce the best of results.

Senija, nestled between the coast and the mountains, so close yet so far, a town within the Vall de Pop consortium, in the Marina Alta region, is presented through this portal, a product of new technologies, so that you can stay informed about any matters of interest from anywhere.

In the town of Senija, the doors are always open, and you will always be welcome.

Warm regards,

Pepa Argudo Ferrer

Mayor of Senija Town Hall