965 73 13 74 - Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 3, 03729 Senija, Alicante administracio@senija.es


What to do to Senija, our gastronomy, cultural heritage, … a bit of our history.

Senija. Alicante town by town

As an extension of the hill on which it stands, all embracing the slope, is the municipality of Senija. A very old town of which there are already references of a church in 1280.

The City Hall

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Senija, so far ... so close.

Senija, a place to enjoy it, where you can find what you really are looking for. Senija, so far and so close. Far from noise, agglomerations, bustle … and so close to services, from the sea, from the atmosphere, shopping, fun …

Senija a small town near everything that has a lot to offer.

Choose Senija and enjoy it !!

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