965 73 13 74 - Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 3, 03729 Senija, Alicante administracio@senija.es

El camí dels bandolers

Sport, culture and history combine to give rise to one of the sporting events that we can catalog as one of the best referents in the Marina Alta.

Between the end of the 18th century, there are a whole series of episodes related to the different routes of commerce; rally paths, natural hiding places, footpaths in which merchants, merchants, bandits, thieves, etc. were engaged …

Within this framework of beauty, the proof of the “Camí dels Bandolers” is placed. An average marathon that has a positive unevenness of 1300m.

The population of Senija with its hospitable and welcoming character invites you to participate in this test and to enjoy all the charms of the ploblación.

cami bandolers