965 73 13 74 - Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 3, 03729 Senija, Alicante administracio@senija.es

Coca amb Pebrera i tomaca


  • Kilo and a half of wheat flour.
  • A pound of tomatoes.
  • Half a kilo of paprika.
  • Twelve garlic cloves.
  • A deciliter of olive oil.
  • Salt
coca prebera tomaca
  • Flour is placed in a bowl, with salt, running water, while pasta is made, add oil, while still kneading. Let stand. The tomato is scratched and the pepper is chopped into very small parts.
  • Tomatoes are fried in a pan with olive oil and the peppers are finally added sliced garlic.
  • On a can with high edges, the cakes, one centimeter thick, are formed and the frying is poured over them. They put the oven in an hour.
  • Formerly, women took cakes in the bread oven to take care of cokes. This action was called “go spinning.” Erendipositades tires on a wooden plank, covered with a mat.
  • To go to the oven the women carried the plank with the cakes above the head.